Novel Express Tasty Foods.

Novel Express Tasty Foods.
Novel Express Tasty Foods.

About IPES

INTER-STATE PRODUCT EXPANSION SCHEME of NExT FOODS is a system launched by our business venture now located in Akure, Ondo State. 
We have been tried and tested and is confident that our product is worthy of national circulation and enjoyment. 
Hence, business men and women across Nigeria are solicited to partner with us by signing up for our two pack sized product distribution for their states. In no time, we are introducing a new product too.

WHY YOU Should be our Distributor FAST!

1. You will have positioned yourself as our brand ambassador in your state.

2.We would consider states with high turnover for promos and loads of freebies and states struggling with sales for mass media campaigns and marketing endeavors. So really, it is a win-win for every distributor who signs up.


We don't have much complications for now ( we hope to stay that way) but we know that to every organized activity, there must be at least some basic guidelines to direct the participants. Here are a few of ours for IPES.


Understand our brand and share information as we give to you only. Our product already has a number of selling points to help improve your sales, no need to say it does what we didn't say it does.


Application form is N5000 only. We would work strictly with you based on information shared on your form e.g. if you claimed your business is in Abuja and then want us to ship your goods to Port-Harcourt without having it on your alternative state list on the form. We would reject this request except you update with us first.


For the purchases;
- Distributors are not limited to the volume specified under the bundles, however, a distributor must purchase at least a bundle and/or buy custom quantity with his choice volume, subject to the pricing of the category bought.
- Distributors are not limited to the category that they bought from before and can buy from another category next time.
Always reach us through the backoffice, the office line or the Distributors' Manager if you have issues or concerns. We would address every bit of them.

Some FAOs are available here. If you need to enquire further, please use our contact page.